Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rear Window and Idiosyncracies.

Another passion of mine: any Alfred Hitchcock movie. One of my favorites, Rear Window. A 1954 movie that is a must see! Anyway, I have never lived in an apartment complex until now. I find it quite intriguing. My rear window; four apartments. Surely they can see in my apartment, because YES I can see right into your apartment. Top left apartment: a business woman that works long hours and likes to entertain her lady friends on the weekend drinking fruity alcoholic drinks on the balcony. She has a german shepherd mix I have named Baxter. He likes to watch me; watching him. Bottom left: Indian family where the mother must home school her daughter because the sliding glass door and screen door are wide open all day long. Upper right corner: Mr. I love my beer so cold from the refrigerator that I bought a mini fridge and put it on my balcony so that I may sit on my balcony and drink really cold beer. Bottom right: I was very sad to see my 60 year old friend that really enjoyed walking around in his tighty whities. EEEWWWW! I am really not a peeping tom, just observant. So since I know they can see me equally as well I did exactly what I knew I should do; suited up in my tube socks, short shorts, tennis shirt, and head band and played some air tennis! Followed by playing the air guitar of course.

By each elevator, there is a trash chute. Reminds me of the Grinch every time I throw trash in there. Makes me smile.

Every night around 8 pm the government starts their "BlackHawk Down" passes. Military helicopters make multiple passes overhead. Not sure what that is about. I guess that is what I get for living 3 miles from the POTUS. The night of the Boston manhunt there were more helicopters than stars in the sky.

All work and no play! Next week operation conquer Washington DC continues.

Good Night Scouts!

1 comment:

  1. Rear Window?! I loved that movie!! When I fell in love with Jimmy Stewart, sitting in suspense on the couch with my dad, learning to appreciate a good Hitchcock film. Vertigo was another favorite of mine.

    I hope you really DID don the tube socks and play air tennis. I will be smiling all day, envisioning this scene :)
