Thursday, April 25, 2013

All in a Day's Work!

A thank you in a thankless job is always a good way to start the day. My job is still going well. I am back on dayshift and on dayshift for a while, I believe. I have been flipping days/nights a lot which has been pretty miserable. So the guy that I took care of over the weekend was discharged and readmitted Tuesday for an ileus. (Stomach issues) He is the guy that I had a miserable time with that was too sleepy to breathe after open heart surgery, I nearly clocked him in the head with an iv pole, and as he was writhing in pain, I accidently threw one of his two pain pills on the floor. Yes, that guy! He described me as "ruthlessly funny, but very motivating." I took that as a compliment. When I returned to work on Sunday, I was walking him in the hallway around the unit and he only wanted to do one lap. I told him the 80 year old woman down in 7 put him to shame a few minutes ago. He begrudgingly did another lap. A while later he asked if the lady down the hall had a similar surgery to his. I said, " What lady? I was just trying to motivate you. All the patients here right now are men." He half laughed and half growled.

Things I learned today: A) The closed system A-lines that we always heard about at TCH, are really cool!
                                   B) Learning a bit of Spanish would probably be helpful.
                                   C) When speaking with a Spanish speaking individual that speaks little English,                          
                                        "Sprechenze English?," should not be your go to phrase. That is German, idiot!
                                        Now he is even more confused.
                                   D) The Chinese man that shuttles you back to your car in the evenings, drives like a  
                                         Bat out of Hell and really likes the brake. He braked so hard three times, the two
                                         ladies in front of seriously looked like crash test dummies going through the full
                                         motion of a crash.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I am so glad you decided to blog so we Ohio folks can live vicariously through your experiences.

    2. You have a great writing voice...I'm smiling as I sit here reading this, "hearing" you tell the story of your night.

    3. "Habla espanol? Tiene dolor? Donde esta el bano?"

    4. Miss you!!
