Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my.

Another day off equals another adventure! Today I set out for the National Zoo.

I think I have finally extrapolated what a zoo really means to a community. The zoo is merely a barometer for parents to gauge if their offspring that they themselves have bred are stronger than the previous generation. They gauge this by pushing their children through nap time and two hours past such the hour in hopes that they will not become the most obnoxious children on Earth. It usually ends with a parental brow beating and multiple threats of food or toys that they will not be receiving upon exiting the zoo.

I met this very nice couple from New Jersey today while I was looking on at the lionesses. They were quite active when we were there. The gentleman was questioning where the male lion was and simultaneously the lady and I said "probably in the next exhibit sleeping." Wouldn't you know it we were right on as we moved next door. I had to laugh at this eight year old, or so, boy that literally bowled the three of us over to see the lionesses screaming "Hey Lion, look at me, yah you. Look at me over here." His mother snapped at him saying "Jamal, say excuse me!" So he says "Hey Lion, excuse me, excuse me, look at me over here!" While I didn't enjoy being run over by a child, I did find this quite comical.

It is a very weird feeling to walk into an establishment such as the zoo and not pay admission. So many things are free here in DC! For now at least. They are contemplating charging a nominal fee for the museums.

I love zoos because we are able to see animals we otherwise would be unable to see, though I do hate to see the animals all caged up. I didn't recall that this zoo really tries to exercise their animals and keep their instincts raw to the best of their abilities. They have something called the "O-line" where the orangutans can cross a cable from their outdoor exhibit to a platform 46 feet above the walkway where all the voyeur humans walk, giving them the chance to evacuate their bowels. Just a suggestion if they are angry about being in captivity. They also have a quarter mile elephant walk that they use to exercise the elephants with random toys and logs along it. Beats the indoor facility and outdoor playpen, I guess. Several animals had little tweaks like this that showed that the zoo really cared about the mental vitality of the animals. Nice to see.

It was a very nice and cool day to be outside. It was sunny and 65 degrees. Tomorrow shall bring some bike riding of some fashion. It is going to be a bit warmer though, so perhaps in the afternoon.

I don't mean to complain, but being a part time nurse and part time tourist is an exhausting job. :-) I wouldn't change a thing though. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. I have never been to DC's zoo, but we did just go to the Cincinnati Zoo on Monday, and I was impressed with how updated, clean and "green" things were compared to the last time I was there. And honestly, most of the kids were very well behaved (however, we left at 1:45, just before the witching hour of overdue naps and starving,cranky children and parents). What was your fave exhibit?
