I am so excited as I sit on the plane right now! I am flying into Cincinnati to visit with friends and family! I am arriving in Cincinnati and then driving to Indiana to see a family wedding and to surprise my brother. He is unaware that I was able to find a switch at work to make it in for this wedding. While I am very much enjoying my time in Arlington, there is something to be said for seeing a familiar face. My schedule also allows to visit with some of my favorite people back home in Cincinnati. Hard to believe I have been gone 7 weeks. My how time flies!

Time is growing near that I have to decide where to call home next. Decisions decisions! My goal with travel nursing is; as you probably guessed by the name, is to see the United States by bike, car, and foot. I hope to sneak a bike tour in there every now and again to see beautiful national parks compliments of a great company called Womantours. I think my tour this year shall be Acadia National Park. After all my philosophy is work hard play hard.

I am also excited to visit TCH on Saturday night to visit with my weekend option buddies and then on to dialysis to visit some of my day shift friends. I would love to see everybody on my trip home, but that isn't feasible. So if I missed you, nothing personal. I love you and miss you!

Just a gentle reminder, if you snore loudly, perhaps public sleeping is a no no. This guy two rows back is possibly the loudest snorer I have ever heard. I say that having heard my dad snore. That man could wake a bear in hibernation. Gotta go, I'm gonna play some Mr. Mouth with him and my cheezits. Wasn't that the game where the mouth turned a circle and each player took turns flipping colored chips into his mouth?

Have a great weekend everyone!