Friday, August 16, 2013

Extreme Tourist Take 2 - Baltimore

After two weeks of pure exhaustion from my month of play, orientation to my new place of employment, and one week of flipping days and nights, I have decided that I must start exploring the city that I am currently in. I made a to do list of activities that I would like to accomplish while in Baltimore. While most of the activities are in or around Baltimore, I would also like to take the train up to New York and see some sites there. Philadelphia is also very near by. Lots of fun activities planned.

Today I visited the Maryland Zoo and the American Visionary Art Museum. The zoo is obviously self explanatory and the American Visionary Art Museum is a museum made up of art from artists all without formal art training of any kind.

The Maryland Zoo is not exactly a zoo that you should race to go see. I guess the Cincinnati, OH zoo is pretty big and one of the nicer zoos out there. I had no idea. I should say that I did not see any pacing animals which always makes me happy. I got to see several babies too. I got to see baby prairie dogs and baby warthogs. My favorite were the baby warthogs. They were all relaxed and eating some grub and then all four of them were scared by a noise and they took off running. When they run their little skinny tails stick straight up in the air. Once again I am amazed at the screaming children kept out way past their nap time and their parents reactions to the temper tantrums. I actually heard a lady ask her four year old "Do you want me to smack you upside the head?" Luckily the little boy said no and sat down in his stroller. My favorite was a lady probably in her thirties looking at the Okapi and she described it as a zebra horse donkey. This child looked at her and said, "Really?!" Her husband said, "Well, he has a point. That was a horrible description of that animal." I just chuckled to myself.

The American Visionary Art Museum is a museum as I mentioned above that houses art from individuals that have never had any kind of formal art training. There are only a few permanent exhibits and the rest are exhibits that are changed out every couple of months. Some of the stuff was quite interesting while some of it I was really wondering how it made the cut. It is one of the more talked about museums in Baltimore. It was not far off the beaten path and all in all a good choice of a visit.

More play next week after I work the next three days.

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